Friday 9 October 2009

Far from 'Disgusted' of Tunbridge Wells!

I want to send a very VERY big 'thank you' to all the staff and pupils of St Mark's CEP school, Tunbridge Wells. I had one of the best school visits ever there on Wednesday; I came away feeling really inspired.

Everyone made me feel so very welcome on a very dark, wet afternoon. The sessions were fun and everyone contributed and asked some very thoughtful questions.

I must admit it was a little bit of a leap into the unknown for me as I usually lead workshops for Year 2 and at St Mark's I took them for Years 3 and 4 too. The latter was a revelation. And as always Flissy gave me lots of ideas - what would I do without you Flissy!

Together Year 4 and I started to build up a story, starting with the characters.It reminded me of the very best bit about creating the Schnoops to start with, when Ian (Sanders) and I spent such great afternoons over coffee coming up with the characteristics of Honey et al and then working out the storylines. Bouncing ideas off someone else is challenging, rewarding and a guaranteed way to have a laugh. In and amongst all the chaos over the last year I'd almost forgotten how much fun that had been. Thanks to Year 4 at St Mark's it's come back!

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